News and Announcements
- WSU student film projects call for actors 2/21-22...
- WSU communication alumna Kim Trent '91 '10, husband Ken Coleman, inspired by Black History...
- WSU health communication doctoral student receives research award...
- Jounalism major Daniel Dumas produces Big Sean video for WSU...
- WSU media arts student Nagsheen Nassif credits grad. school for boosting her career...
- WSU music and media arts students co-create youth program...
- WSU communication Prof. Lee Wilkins comments on media coverage of the Affordable Care Act...
- WSU public relations major Brandon Burbank wins undergraduate research award...
- WSU journalism instructor Berl Falbaum's short story 'The Docent' is published online...
- Communication students help promote WSU's 'EcoCAR' competition entries...
- Old Newsboys' Goodfellow Fund supports scholarships...
- Join WSU's 'MetroArts Detroit' TV production crew for winter '14...
- WSU communication Prof. Oshagan helps coordinate efforts reporting Detroit's bankruptcy...
- WSU journalism Prof. Lessenberry comments on civil discourse in our political system...
- WSU communication Prof. McDevitt chairs Det. Film Theatre's 40th anniv. celebration...
- WSU establishes Ben Burns Endowment for Journalism...
- Former WSU communication student Erik Smith reflects on JFK assassination...
- WSU journalism instructor Falbaum writes about the anniversary of JFK's death...
- WSU media arts Prof. Kelly Donnellan named Best Female Director...
- WSU Dept. of Communication co-presents online screening and discussion of DETROPIA, 11/19...
- WSU student film co-production screens at Uptown Film Fest 11/9...
- High school students may audition for Youth Neighborhood News 11/21...
- Dept. of Communication's Summer Doctoral Seminar is June 9-11; apply by Feb. 1...
- WSU journalism Prof. Lessenberry discusses Detroit land developments and mayoral race...
- WSU communication major Piper Smith chairs State Bar's paralegal section...