WSU media arts student Nagsheen Nassif credits grad. school for boosting her career...

"The Big 'G' Word"
by Nagsheen Nassif

Wayne State Department of Communication media arts and studies graduate student Nagsheen Nassif, who now is interning at CW50-TV/CBS62-TV, writes on her CBS Detroit blog about what a great move for her career it was that she chose Wayne State for graduate school. "My first television reporting class was one I will never forget because of Kimmerly Piper-Aiken, the best teacher who helped me achieve most of my goals. The class taught me how to put a news package together by writing scripts, shooting video, editing, as well as doing voice overs. I thought, 'wow this is everything I wanted to know and more,'" she wrote. "If it wasn't for graduate school or my family pushing me to go to Wayne State, I wouldn't be where I am today. Wayne State University has changed my life in so many ways and has given me the chance to do what I love day in and day out."

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