WSU student film projects call for actors 2/21-22...

Call for Actors

Friday - February 21, 6 P.M. - 9 P.M.
Saturday, February 22, 2 P.M. - 6 P.M.

Wayne State University
Sign in outside of room 134, Old Main lower level.

Graduate and advanced students in the film production program at Wayne State University will be producing short narrative films within the next three months.

There are a number of screenplays and a wide range of roles that could provide valuable experience, portfolio material and exposure for serious actors. These films will be entered into festivals, and based upon our recent experiences, they should be candidates for significant awards.

A partial listing of the many available roles will soon be posted on our Facebook group "Wayne State University Film Auditions."

Every effort will be made to accommodate the complex schedules of actors and acting students.

The major auditions will take place - on a drop-in basis - both on Friday evening, February 21, from 6 until 9 p.m., and Saturday afternoon, February 22, from 2 until 6 p.m. Registration will take place each day outside of room 134 in Old Main (lower level near the elevators) on the Wayne State University campus.

You do not need to prepare anything for these auditions and it is not necessary to sign up in advance.

With additional questions, e-mail

- Joel Silvers
Media Arts and Studies
WSU Department of Communication

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