WSU journalism Prof. Lessenberry comments on civil discourse in our political system...

MiBiz, 11/25

Q&A: Jack Lessenberry, Michigan Radio, Wayne State University
by Nick Manes

Jack Lessenberry, journalism lecturer at Wayne State University, senior political analyst and contributor to numerous publications, was interviewed in a Q&A about civil discourse in our political system and what it means for the business community in Michigan. In our American political system, Lessenberry says civil discourse is about hearing each other and taking each other seriously. "I think we used to do that much more in this country and in this state than we do now. If you look at the era of former-Governor (William) Milliken, there was a lot of bipartisanship. (It was similar) under (James) Blanchard. But now everyone is so completely polarized. (Politicians) see each other not as the opposition, but as the enemy. I don't think it's good for this country and I don't think it's good for democracy."

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