High school students may audition for Youth Neighborhood News 11/21...

The Michigan Citizen

Detroit teens make their own news

This November, high school age Detroiters audition for chances to learn the craft of journalism from acclaimed professionals via the Youth Neighborhood News, YNN, program housed in Wayne State's Department of Communication. "There has never been a better time to be a journalist," said former journalist Lee Wilkins, current chairperson of the Department of Communication. "Learning how to write and report a story, and how to get your story to an audience, is the essence of the profession and one we know this program promotes." Marge Sorge, executive director of Detroit Regional News Hub, one of YNN's co-founders, said "When we founded this program our goal was to help young people become objective journalists, good writers and strategic thinkers. Our partnership with Wayne State and its excellent Department of Communication helps take that objective to its highest level." In addition to learning to tell their own stories and take ownership of the narratives about their communities, YNN students have the opportunity to meet and interview political and community leaders. Auditions will be held Nov. 21, 4-6 p.m. in room 420 Manoogian Hall on Wayne State's campus. To arrange an audition, email ynndetroit@gmail.com.


View Wayne State's Oct. 31 media release of this story.

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