Doctoral Students, Graduate Assistants, Fellows
Md AzadPh.D. Student & GTA
Madelaine CoffmanGraduate Teaching Assistant
Kaitlyn CoonsPhD Student and Graduate Teaching Assistant
Ryan Corso-GonzalesM.A.
Toni Cunningham
Jennifer Evans
Austin Frederick
Victoria George
Farah Harb
Kevin Hardges
Douglas Husic
Muhammad Aminul IslamPh.D. Candidate and Graduate Teaching Assistant
Hannah Kaplan
Nina KellyPhD Candidate & Rumble Fellow
Kelly Kozlowski
Marni LorenzPhD Student and Graduate Teaching Assistant
Stephen Odebiyi
Fariba Pajooh
Gerald Pesta
Kirby Phillips
Alexandra PorterPhD Student
Jenisha RaiPhD Student and Graduate Teaching Assistant
Fatooma SaadPhD Student and Graduate Teaching Assistant
Jessica Schmidt
Ronisha Sheppard
Robert SwetlicPh.D. Student and Graduate Teaching Assistant
Meagan WinkelsethPh.D. Student
Jill Wurm
Zaynab Yusuf
Muhammad ZakariaPhD Student & Graduate Teaching Assistant