PhD Forms and Resources
Forms and additional information about the graduate programs in the Department of Communication are below.
Application Materials
- About PhD program
- Dual PhD in Communication and Urban Sustainability
- PhD Handbook
- Apply now (WSU graduate application)
Assistantship application and related materials
- Graduate Assistantship application for new students (Currently enrolled students seeking to apply for a GA position should use this form).
- COM Department list of graduate funding opportunities
- GA Work Rules and Policy
- Grad Assistant Placement Guidelines
- Additional Hiring Information
GTA instructional resources
- CFPCA GTA Resources (e.g., syllabus language templates, bookstore requests, university policy/instructions)
- Department of Communication Policies and Procedures 2022-2023
- Guidelines for dealing with students in crisis and disruptive or distressed individuals
- How to handle COVID mandate compliance
- Dean of Students student academic and non-academic misconduct, support, and intervention site
- July 2021 Supplemental Instruction Guidelines
- Misc WSU Faculty Resources
Documents used throughout the program
- Course Rotation (W2021-S/S2025)
- My Forms Dashboard (Where all pending and completed online forms with Graduate School are located).
- Annual Review/Individual Development Plan
Course Add or directed study requests:
- How to request a course add or override
- Request Override for GS0900 or COM 9990-9995 (Doctoral Candidacy/Exam & Dissertation Credits)
- Petition for a Directed Study course
Change advisor/committee membership forms:
- Change of Advisor
- Change to Committee (needed only after a prospectus defense; changes before then do not require the form)
Conference Travel/Professional Development Funding:
Incomplete/Repeat a Course forms:
Rumble Fellowship:
- Rumble Dissertation Completion Fellowship for 2023-2024 application
- Rumble Fellowship 2023-2024 Information (from Grad School)
Plan of Work materials
- Plan of Work Worksheet (This requires department approval before you complete the Transfer of Credit and Graduate School Plan of Work documents).
- Graduate School official Plan of Work
- Transfer of Credit form. When completing this form, you must note WSU courses that are equivalent to the courses you are transferring. If no equivalent course exists, put a course level equivalent instead (e.g., 6xxx or 7xxx). If you are transferring WSU MA credits, you do not need to use this form. List the WSU courses on the Plan of Work and insert (MA) after each course title.
- Change to Plan of Work Form
Qualifying Examination/PhD Candidacy forms
Pre-Exam Resources
- Request Override COM 9990-9995 (Doctoral Candidacy/Exam & Dissertation Credits)
- Exam Committee Form
- Exam Procedures for Student and Advisors
- Schedule Form
Committee Evaluation Materials
- Committee evaluation form (for committee members/advisor)
Forms to be initiated for the Oral Defense
Dissertation Prospectus Forms
- Request Override COM 9990-9995 (Doctoral Candidacy/Exam & Dissertation Credits)
- Graduate School Dissertation Format Guidelines
Forms to be initiated for the defense:
Advisor Materials:
- Assessment Rubric for Prospectus (for Faculty Advisor to complete at time of successful defense, for departmental assessment)
Dissertation Research Funding: The department provides $1000 in dissertation research funding for approved expenses and the graduate school matches those funds. Use both of these forms to apply for funding.
Dissertation Forms & Research Funding
Dissertation Research Support Funding Applications:
The department provides $1000 in dissertation research funding for approved expenses and the graduate school matches those funds. Use both of these forms to apply for funding. Summer dissertation fellowships are available through the graduate school. You may receive both forms of support.
Final defense/Graduation forms:
- Conflict of Interest Form
- Graduate School Final Requirements (SOME ITEMS REQUIRED AT LEAST TWO WEEKS BEFORE DEFENSE DATE. Scroll to bottom of linked page to see the "Final Requirement Forms; these are required to graduate)
Advisor/committee Materials:
- Assessment of Dissertation for Department Assessment (for Faculty Advisor to complete at time of successful defense)
Career Resources
- WSU Graduate School Professional Development Resources
- WSU Graduate School Professional Development program archives
- NCA Career Resources Center
- AEJMC Career Development Center
- ICA Career Center
- "How Communication PhD students can prepare for a Nonacademic/Altac Career, and what Faculty can do to help." (Produced by NCA)
- Podcast featuring individual stories on framing humanities degrees for non-academic jobs.
Graduate Advising
Email to schedule an appointment.
Graduate Advising Location:
555 Manoogian Hall (5th floor)
906 W. Warren Ave., Detroit, MI 48201
Detroit, MI 48201