Paul Echeverria
Paul Echeverria
Paul Echeverria is a filmmaker and digital artist. His research and creative practice examine the formative dynamics between childhood, parenthood and the family structure. In addition, he produces work that contemplates the inevitable collision between humans and technology. Echeverria works with multiple forms of media, including film, video, augmented/virtual reality, performance, social media, data manipulation, podcasting and e-literature.
A Michigan native, Echeverria joined the Department of Communication during the fall of 2020. He holds an MFA in Studio Arts, Interdisciplinary Media Arts Practice from the University of Colorado Boulder and an MA in Media Studies from The New School. He also holds an MS in Education from Mercy College and a BFA in Film from Purchase College, SUNY.
Prior to arriving at Wayne State University, Echeverria was the founding director of the Digital and Interactive Media Arts (DIMA) program at Western Connecticut State University. Since 2016, he has served as a board member for the non-profit organization the Millennium Film Workshop. Additionally, he has served on curatorial committees for the Southern Colorado Film Festival, Experiments in Cinema and the Ann Arbor Film Festival.
Echeverria's films and digital works have been exhibited at multiple venues, including the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA), Other Cinema, the FRACTO Experimental Film Encounter, VASTLAB Experimental Festival, the Dallas Medianale, Festival Ecrã, the Festival Internacional de Videoarte de Camagüey, Experiments in Cinema, the NY Media Center by IFP, The Wrong Biennale, the Bronx Museum of the Arts, Anthology Film Archives and the Angelika Film Center. His debut feature, Sol y Lluvia, won Best Foreign Language Film at the Long Island Film Festival.
Degrees and Certifications
University of Colorado Boulder. MFA, Studio Arts - Interdisciplinary Media Arts Practice, 2014
The New School. MA, Media Studies, 2011
Mercy College. MS, Education with Bilingual Extension, 2006
Purchase College, SUNY. BFA, Film, 1996
Courses taught by Paul Echeverria
Winter Term 2025 (current)
- COM1610 - Fundamentals of New Media Production
- COM4510 - Immersive Media Production
- COM6090 - Digital Screen Media