Scott Sellnow-Richmond
Academic Interests
Interpersonal communication, family communication, gender and sexuality, cultural communication, communication pedagogy.
Communication Department Graduate Student Research Award - 2014
Top Paper Award - Gender and Sexuality Caucus, Central States Communication Association, 2014
Degrees and Certifications
Master of Arts, Western Michigan University (2011)
Thesis: “There’s Something Wrong About the Way You Look, There’s Something Wrong With You”: Memorable Messages Concerning Identity and Body Weight
Bachelor of Arts, Western Michigan University (2009)
Primary Research Interest
Communication of stigmatized identities, bullying, identity formation, family communication patterns, critical pedagogy, classroom technology.
Recent Publications
Sellnow-Richmond, S. A., & Spence, P. R. (In Press). The wiki, social networks, and the classroom. In Hana S. Noor Al-Deen (Ed.) Social Media in the Classroom. Burn: Peter Lang Publishing.
Sellnow-Richmond, S. A., & Sellnow-Richmond D. D. (In Press). Gender and Sexuality Encyclopedia of family studies. Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
Richmond, S.A., Spence, P.R., & Fuller, B.A. (2011). Notes and collaboration: Using the wiki in the college classroom. Academic Exchange Quarterly.
I am currently serving as the assistant basic course director and running the university's public speaking resource center.
Office Hours