Darryl Frazier

Darryl Frazier

Assistant Professor of Teaching

 MANO 509


Darryl Frazier


Dr. Frazier is an Assistant Professor of Teaching in the Department of Communication. He primarily teaches Com 1010 - Intro to Oral communication. Prior to his current position, Darry spent two years serving as the Assistant Basic Course Director, overseeing the Public Speaking Resource Center and the Oral Communication Competency Exam. He worked with Wayne State's "Kick Start" program in 2020, and he facilitates multiple public speaking workshops each semester.

Dr. Frazier's research primarily focuses on media framing and agenda-setting effects. His dissertation "Media Framing of the America First Committee - 1940-1942" looks at media representation of the isolationist organization prior to World War II. Other research interests include journalism routines and journalism history. Dr. Frazier has frequently contributed to Dr. Michael Fuhlhage's "research gang".

Area of Expertise

Public Speaking and Communication Aprrehension

Media Framing and Agenda-Setting

Degrees and Certifications

Wayne State University (2023) - Ph.D. in Communication Studies

Wayne State University (2011)  -M.A. in Media Arts and Studies

University of Deteroit - Mercy (2007) - B.A. in Media Communications

University of Michigan (2000) - B.A. in English Literature; Music


Primary Research Interest

Media Framing and Agenda-Setting

Mass Communication 

Journalism History


Recent Publications

Lindner, A. E., Fuhlhage, M., Frazier, D., & Neal, K. S. (2023). “If ever saints wept and hell rejoiced, it must have been over the passage of that law”: The 1850 Fugitive Slave Act in Detroit River Borderland Newspapers, 1851-1852. Journalism History, 49(1), 28–44. https://doi.org/10.1080/00947679.2022.2161800

Mesmer, K., Frazier, D., & Burgess, S. (2022). Government failure or irresponsible residents? framing Detroit’s water shutoffs before and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Newspaper Research Journal, 43(1), 65–86. https://doi.org/10.1177/07395329221077247

Fuhlhage, M., Burgess, S., Cassidy, T., Frazier, D., Neal, K., & Thrubis, E. (2021). Spinning Toward Secession: The interplay of editorial bellicosity and exchange news in the press before the American Civil War. Southeastern Review of Journalism History.

Vultee, F., Burgess, G. S., Frazier, D., & Mesmer, K. (2020). Here’s what to know about Clickbait: Effects of image, headline and editing on audience attitudes. Journalism Practice, 16(1), 1–18. https://doi.org/10.1080/17512786.2020.1793379

Courses taught by Darryl Frazier

Fall Term 2025 (future)

Winter Term 2025 (current)

Fall Term 2024

Winter Term 2024

Fall Term 2023

Spring-Summer Term 2023

Winter Term 2023

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