Dr. Jessica Moorman
Dr. Jessica D. Moorman is a fourth generation Detroiter who researches how sociocultural factors like media and gender role norms shape health and development over the life course. In her primary area of research, Dr. Moorman examines Black women’s singlehood socialization; the process by which attitudes and beliefs about single status are acquired. For her current book project, Living Singlehood: The Values and Strategies Shaping Unmarried Life for Black Women, Dr. Moorman spoke with 44 single Black women living in Detroit about their experiences of unmarried life to gain a better understanding of the unique challenges facing Black women in singlehood. Dr. Moorman's secondary specialty is health communication. Her most recent health communication research has examined how screen media use impacts the weight, sleep behavior, and cognitive development of children ages 0 - 5. Other projects have explored social isolation, sexual health behavior, and cardiovascular health of Detroiters. Dr. Moorman has received a Pro-Quest Distinguished Dissertation Award from the University of Michigan in 2018 for her project “Being Single Is…: A Study of Black Love Media and Black Women’s Sexual Socialization.” She was named a Pre-Doctoral Fellow for the American Association of University Women in 2017, among other accolades. Dr. Moorman has presented her research for agencies like the United Nations Women's Rights Division and has been featured in media outlets like Psychology Today, National Public Radio, and ESPN.
Area of Expertise
Media Sexual Socialization, Singlehood Socialization, Black Women & Media, Intersectional Approaches to Media & Communication, Children & Media, Sleep & Media, and Health Communication.
Degrees and Certifications
Ph.D. - Communication Studies, University of Michigan
M.H.S. - Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Recent Publications
Moorman, J.D. (2022). Unmarried Black Women’s Media Sexual Socialization: The Role of Dating, Motherhood, and Intimate Partner Violence Across Media Types. Sex Roles.
Hawkins, I., Coles, S., Saleem, M., & Moorman, J.D. (2022). Middle Eastern Characters in Entertainment Television: A Content Analysis of Middle Eastern Portrayals in Entertainment Television from 1996-2014. Mass Communication and Society.
Moorman, J.D. (2021). The privilege of care: An intersectional analysis of the COVID-19 U.S. childcare crisis and its implications for CAM research. The Journal of Children and Media.
Moorman, J.D. (2020). Socializing Singlehood: A Qualitative Examination of the Personal, Interpersonal, and Sociocultural Factors Structuring Single Black Women’s Lives. Psychology of Women Quarterly.
Moorman, J.D., Morgan, P., & Adams, T. (2019). The implications of screen media use for the sleep behavior of children ages 0-5: A systematic review of the literature. Current Sleep Medicine Reports.
Moorman, J. D., & Harrison, K. (2019). Beyond access and exposure: Implications of sneaky media use for preschoolers' sleep behavior. Health Communication.
Harrison, K., Vallina, L., Couture, A., Wenhold, H., & Moorman, J. D. (2018). Theorizing media use for sensory regulation and implications for parent-child media conflict. Media Psychology.
Harrison, K., Moorman, J. D., Peralta, M., & Fayhee, K. (2017). Food brand recognition and BMI in U.S. preschoolers. Appetite, 114, 329-337.
Moorman, J. D. & Harrison, K. (2016). Gender, race, and risk: Intersectional risk management in the sale of sex online. Journal of Sex Research, 53, 816-824.
Office Hours
Email Dr. Moorman for an appointment.
Courses taught by Dr. Jessica Moorman
Winter Term 2025 (current)
Fall Term 2024
- COM4210 - Research Methods in Communication
- COM7010 - Special Topics
- GSW5400 - Topics in Gender and Women's Studies