Dr. Jane Fitzgibbon

Dr. Jane Fitzgibbon

Senior Lecturer

517 Manoogian Hall


Dr. Jane Fitzgibbon


Dr. Jane Fitzgibbon (Ph.D., Wayne State University) is a Senior Lecturer and is director of the Business Communication (COM 3300) course. She is a member of the university's Academic Senate, the Policy Committee, Chair of the Facilities, Support Services and Technology Committee, Policy Liaison on the Student Affairs Committee and an alternative on the Board of Governors Student Affairs Committee. In addition she is a member of the university Information Systems Management and Data Governance Committee.

Since 2005, she has been a faculty member of the Department of Communication. Her professional background includes many years in the automotive industry as an executive working in the areas of public relations, sales and marketing, strategic planning and dealer relations. At Wayne State, her primarily responsibility is for the Business Communication (COM 3300) course. She also teaches

  • COM 5130 Social Marketing
  • COM 3250 Introductory Organizational Communication
  • COM 3400 Communication Theory
  • COM 6260 Organizational Communication
  • COM 7150 Micro-Approaches to Organizational Communication
  • COM 7220 Professional Issues in Applied Communication

Her academic interests include organizational rhetoric, crisis and how individuals respond in a crisis.

View Prof. Fitzgibbon's curriculum vitae.

Academic Interests

Professor Fitzgibbon has been a faculty member in the Department of Communication at Wayne since the fall of 2005. Her professional background includes many years in the automotive industry as an executive working in the areas of public relations, sales and marketing, strategic planning and dealer relations.

Area of Expertise

Professor Fitzgibbon is primarily responsible for the Business Communication Course (COM 3300), but she also teaches other class in the undergraduate PR Rotation and at the graduate level.

Her academic interests also include organizational rhetoric, crisis and how individuals respond in a crisis. She seeks to actively engage her students to enhance their academic learning.

Conferences Presentations:      
2008 National Communication Conference Derived Messages from Katrina Survivors: A fantasy theme analysis co-authored with J. Burke
2006 7th International Conference on Organizational Discourse: Identity, ideology and idiosyncrasy. Department of Culture, Organization and Management at the Vrije Universiteit (Free University), Amsterdam. Metaphors of globalization and the Delphi Corporation’s chapter 11 reorganization.
2002 4th International Conference on Organizational Discourse, King’s College,  University London. Audiences and Metaphors of Change in the DaimlerChrysler Corporation.
1998 Central States Speech Communication. Hate Groups in Cyberspace.
1997 Michigan Speech Communication Assoc. Hate Groups on the Internet.
1996 International Conference on Work Teams, University of North Texas. The LH platform team: A study of change at Chrysler.

Degrees and Certifications

2004 Ph.D. in Communication, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI. Emphasis in Organizational Communication. Minor: Marketing. Dissertation: “The story of a merger: Daimler-Chrysler” Advisor: Matthew Seeger PhD.

1995 MA in Organizational Communication and Public Relations, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI Advisor: Dr. Matthew Seeger       

1992 B.Sc. Administration, Central Michigan University. Mount Pleasant, MI.

Primary Research Interest

Rhetoric in Organizational Crisis and Change, Team Centered Management, Communication and Organizational Culture, Ethics in Organizations, Rhetorical Strategies Employed by Organizations and Hate Groups. On a second level how visual culture shapes our world.

Recent Publications

Lessons for Crisis Communication: The Crisis Preparation, Media Use, and Information Seeking of Katrina Evacuees. Spence, P. Lachlan, K. Burke, J. Fitzgibbon, J. Sibal, K.M. Mukhopadhyay, A. Miller, S.   Top Three Papers In Applied Communication Research, NCA 2006 Convention, San Antonio.:

Fitzgibbon, J. (2006). Metaphors of globalization and the Delphi corporation’s chapter 11 reorganization. Proceedings 7th International Conference on Organizational Discourse: Identity, ideology and idiosyncrasy. Amsterdam July 2006
Fitzgibbon, J. and Seeger, M. (2002). Audiences and metaphors of globalization the DaimlerChryslerAG merger. Communication Studies, 53(1), 40-55.
Fitzgibbon, J. E., and Seeger, M. (2000). Audiences and metaphors of change in the DaimlerChryslerAG merger. Organizational Discourse: Word-views, Work-views and World-views (C. Combes, T. Keenoy, & C. Oswick, Eds.) ( pp. 68.) Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Organizational Discourse, London, England, 2000.
News media missed the mark in coverage of Ann Arbor rallies with Jack Kay, Pricilla Meddaugh and Eric Hauser. 1998 Detroit Free Press.
International Conference on Work Teams, University of North Texas. The LH platform team: A study of change at Chrysler. 1996. Published in conference Proceedings.



Business Communication Course Director and Advisor to Public Relations Students (Undergraduate and Masters Students)

Member of departmental Undergraduate Curriculum Committee (2020)
Member of the ISMC and Data Governance (2015-20)
Member Academic Senate (2010-2019, 2020)
Member of the Policy Committee (2020)

Reviewer for Organizational Studies (Sage)

Office Hours
Due to Covid-19 no physical office hours but always willing to meet virtually with students.

Contact me via janefitzgibon@wayne.edu to arrange

Courses taught by Dr. Jane Fitzgibbon

Winter Term 2023

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