WSU media arts alums launch filmmaking nonprofit in Windsor...

Wayne State media arts and studies alums Marianne Jeney '06 and Jeff Nadalin '03 co-founded in early 2012 Windsor/Detroit's chapter of Raindance Canada, working to put the Windsor area on the filmmaking map.

Raindance Windsor/Detroit's goals are to maximize the growth of local filmmaking services, programs, talent and infrastructure. As a non-profit organization dedicated to education and development of film, digital media and the creative arts in Windsor/Essex County and Detroit, Raindance provides education, develops membership and nurtures network connections to the film industry.

In addition to regularly scheduled educational opportunities, Raindance Windsor/Detroit hosts networking socials the first Tuesday of every month. Find their schedule online at
and find out more about Raindance Windsor/Detroit and its WSU alumni co-founders, online at

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