News and Announcements
- CALLING ALL ACTORS: Auditions for Upcoming Short Films
- Department of Communication Chair Lee Wilkins to Join Michigan Radio for Issues & Ale: The State of Journalism
- Bernard L. Brock Memorial Lecture: The Importance of Being Prosocial
- Nearly 30 CFPCA Department of Communication Students and Faculty Members Authored and Co-authored Peer Reviewed Papers Accepted by the International Communication Association
- The 2017 Journalism Institute for Media Diversity Spirit of Diversity Awards will take place Friday, April 7 honoring New York Times Executive Editor, Dean Baquet and Bridge Magazine Reporter, Chastity Pratt-Dawsey!
- Pivotal Moments 2016 Impact Report
- CFPCA Dean Matthew Seeger Receives NCA Service Engagement Award
- RSVP now for our Fall Open House
- Job Opening: Basic Course Director
- Jack Lessenberry wins first place at Alt Weekly Awards
- Professor Stine Eckert receives WSU's first-ever USAID grant
- Dr. Donald Shaw Discusses Agendamelding at Summer Doctoral Seminar
- Professor Kelly Jakes Continues Research on French Pop Music During WWII
- Warrior Spotlight on Grad Student Matt Morley
- Comm. dept. is accepting applications into part-time faculty hiring pools...
- Communication Job Opening for 2016-2017 Academic Year
- Communication presents the Summer Doctoral Seminar's annual public lecture
- 'MetroArts Detroit' season five debuts June 3, airs 5:30p Fridays on DPTV
- 'MetroArts Detroit' celebrates five seasons, 68 episodes, at reunion event
- Freshman Aleanna Siacon breaking records at The South End
- Sustainability Scholars' Forum invites abstracts now through June 15
- Kevin Mardirosian takes fourth in the nation at AFA NIET
- Communication Studies students co-organize Detroit Impact fundraiser
- Alumna Rhonda Welsh is named VP at Multi-Training Systems
- WSU journalism's Spirit of Diversity Awards event takes place April 8