Register for COM 5384, Media and Community Engagement...

NEW FALL COURSE: COM 5384 Sec. 002 (CRN 17018), Topics in Production Design and Theory

Media and Community Engagement

Course meets Wednesdays 5:00-6:45p.m. 4130 Old Main (plus arranged lab); Instructor: Juanita Anderson

Students will apply film/video production, new media and/or public relations skills to the creation of media projects or media campaigns that illuminate issues, the arts, people or places in Detroit, or that support the efforts of community organizations. Students may develop original concepts or will be assigned to work on client-based projects.

This class is designed for students who would like to (one or more):
• Create innovative stories about Detroit
• Develop or complete a community issue-oriented documentary film project
• Promote the arts in Detroit
• Develop new media approaches for reporting on, or exploring, community issues and the arts
• Learn to create effective client-based media content
• Create effective social networking marketing campaigns

This course is also the designated Fall course for students working in post-production, promotion, marketing/development of the Michigan Creative Film Alliance 2011 production, Beauty Queen, in collaboration with students from Wayne State, Michigan State and University of Michigan.

Prerequisite: COM 5380 or departmental permission (contact the instructor or your advisor for permission). This course counts as an elective for both film and media arts and studies majors. This course may count as an elective in other communication disciplines. Please contact your advisor for more information.

Register online.

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