PRSSA students sweep scholarship competition

For the second year in a row, annual scholarship awards given by the Detroit chapter of the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) were swept by a pair of students from WSU\'s chapter of the Public Relations Student Society of America.

PRSSA students, Kayla Rice and Jared Bryan, won PRSA\'s Donald P. Durocher Memorial Scholarship and will be honored by PRSA at the chapter\'s December 3rd business meeting at The Colony Club in Detroit.

The Donald P. Durocher Memorial Scholarship is sponsored by the scholarship committee of the
Detroit chapter of PRSA. Two scholarships of $2,000 each are made available through the chapter\'s education fund. Established in 1992, the education fund supports students in their pursuit of public relations education and professional development. The scholarship was named in honor of the late Donald P. Durocher, APR, Fellow PRSA, who was an active PRSA Detroit member, past East Central District chair and National PRSA Board member. Mr. Durocher was a principal in the Detroit-based firm Durocher-Dixson-Werba.

Any undergraduate student majoring in public relations, journalism, communication or a related field may apply. Students must respond to a series of questions in essay form and interview with scholarship committee judges. Last year the award was won by two WSU students as well, Katy Cockrel and Craig LaPoint.


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