WSU CFPCA Profs Anderson, Donnellan, Collins, Court create videos for Favorite Poem Project...

Mass, 5/6

A New Happening for the Favorite Poem Project
by Jacquelyn Malone

Chicago's Poetry Foundation launched last month its 'Favorite Poem Project: Chicago' with an introduction by former U.S. Poet Laureate, Robert Pinsky. Pinsky's national 'Favorite Poem Project' celebrates poetry as a vocal art and presents selected poems in the form of performance pieces on video. All the videos that comprise 'Favorite Poem Project: Chicago' were shot by Wayne State University media arts Professor Juanita Anderson.


Poetry, 4/11

The national Favorite Poem Project and Chicago's Poetry Foundation chose favorite poems of Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel and five other Chicagoans to be featured in a video initiative called 'Favorite Poem Project: Chicago.' The series launched April 11 at the Poetry Foundation with an introduction by former U.S. Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky. Pinsky's national Favorite Poem Project celebrates poetry as a vocal art and presents selected poems in the form of performance pieces on video. Each of the videos presented in Chicago's local installment of the project this year were created by faculty members from the departments of communication and music at Wayne State University in Detroit. Media arts Lecturer Juanita Anderson served as executive producer and director, media arts Assistant Professor Kelly Donnellan served as editor, music technology Lecturer Thomas Court provided post-production sound editing, sound design and mixing, and animation Instructor Frank Collins designed titles. The videos may be viewed online at

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