WSU communication prof. Kelly Young comments on presidential debates...

The Detroit News, 10/16

"Debate a second chance for President Obama"

by Marisa Schultz

Vice President Joe Biden may have reinvigorated the Democratic base with his punchy debate performance, but now the pressure falls on President Barack Obama to win back independent voters after an uninspired first debate. Following Obama's Oct. 3 lackluster debate with GOP nominee Mitt Romney, polls in Michigan and battleground states showed a momentum swing for Romney. Kelly M. Young, an assistant professor and director of forensics in the communications department at Wayne State University. "So the Obama administration has to attempt to regain that position to secure the undecided voters, especially in the swing states. "The economy is the dominant issue, but also (what's important is) who cares about us the most."

The Detroit News, 10/11

"Pressure on Biden over VP debate"

by Kim Kozlowski

A vice presidential debate typically isn't a highlight of a presidential campaign. But today's match-up between Vice President Joe Biden and Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin is shaping up to be a must-see event. With less than four weeks before the Nov. 6 election and most polls showing a narrowing gap between President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney, a tremendous amount of public interest is expected in this year's vice presidential debate. The 90-minute debate will cover domestic and foreign policy topics, such as the economy, health care reform, the war in Afghanistan, Ryan's budget and changes to entitlement programs such as Medicare. "It's going to be a real chance for the (Obama) campaign to have the fight they didn't have in the first debate," said Kelly M. Young, director of forensics at Wayne State University. "It wouldn't surprise me if they send Biden in to be the aggressive attack dog. There will be great opportunity because Paul Ryan is the more extreme version on his views about the economy and entitlements than Romney, who tries to paint himself differently."

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