WSU communication Prof. Karen McDevitt comments on permanence of new media...


You've been sexting a lot more, study shows
by Laura Hudson

Wired magazine touches on the highlights of a Pew Research Center report released this week examining the impact of the internet, cell phones and social media on American relationships. Researchers found "sexting" is growing across the board among couples and singles, and is doing so rapidly amongst young people and smartphone users. Karen McDevitt, a communication lecturer at Wayne State University who specializes in new media, says she expects the sexting phenomenon to continue growing and attributed its increased popularity to the widespread availability of devices like smartphones. "The technology is in your hand," McDevitt says. "I truly believe it's just accessibility that makes the difference. What's distinct about new media technology is that it's permanent." Rather than receding with time like many youthful indiscretions, digital images can circulate indefinitely or resurface in unwanted and unintended ways. "We haven't really seen the long-term effects of sexting but it can affect those who are participating for their lives ahead, not just their lives now."

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