Communication Prof. Maguire comments on uses of technology in long distance relationships...

CBS, 2/13

"Wayne State Researcher: Tech Can Help Long Distance Relationships Survive"

by Matt Roush

Whether they're in the same house or continents apart this Valentine's Day, romantic partners have a lot of communication tools available to help them stay part of each other's lives. Technology can be very useful in maintaining romantic relationships despite temporal or geographic separation, said Katheryn Maguire, associate professor of communication in Wayne State University's College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts. However, she said traditional means of communication still are critical for handling the more complex issues that arise between partners. "The idea of maintaining a romantic relationship at a distance coincides with the notion of face-to-face contact as being essential," Maguire said. "Without that physical contact, some would even question if it is a real relationship. But with the help of communication technologies, these relationships can survive and even thrive."

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