WSU journalism Prof. Lessenberry comments on Hutzel Hospital funding...

The Windsor Star, 3/26

Lessenberry: Wayne State's at-risk program at risk

Jack Lessenberry, area head of the journalism faculty at Wayne State University, opines in his column about the legislature nearly eliminating all of the funding for Hutzel Women's Hospital in Detroit. Lessenberry writes: "Fifteen years ago, the National Institute of Health decided to locate its perinatology research branch at Hutzel Women's Hospital in Detroit, a program which is run by Wayne State's medical school. Last year, Yale University, one of the oldest and highest-ranked schools in the nation, made a bid for it. But Washington selected Wayne State over Yale for a second time, awarding the inner-city school a $165.9 million grant to continue the work over the next decade." He notes that last year Wayne State researchers at the center found a way to measure brain connectivity in fetuses, which could potentially translate into ways to prevent autism and dyslexia before birth." He continues: "Yet the Michigan legislature may have put this entire vital program at risk, for the sake of a virtually meaningless cost saving."

Metro Times, 3/18

Lansing cuts funding to Hutzel Hospital
by Jack Lessenberry

Jack Lessenberry, columnist and director of Wayne State University's journalism program, wrote a piece about the Michigan Legislature's funding cut to Hutzel Women's Hospital's advanced research and treatment of at-risk mothers and their babies. He noted that Wayne State runs the program, and "all indications are that they do a superb job." Dr. Sonia Hassan, associate dean for maternal and child health at WSU's School of Medicine, said in a statement "Hutzel Women's Hospital and Wayne State University, which hosts the Perinatology Research Branch, have worked together to save women and babies," since 1998. "We hope the state will do everything it can to ensure our work continues," she added.

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