WSU journalism Prof. Lessenberry comments on female leaders in MI...

Michigan Radio

These three female candidates could be some of the most interesting leaders in Michigan
by Jack Lessenberry

Michigan Radio talk show host and commentator Jack Lessenberry highlighted people he notes as "potentially interesting leaders in the state who are not on the ballot this year." Jocelyn Benson, dean of Wayne State University's law school, is described as having "an amazing resume" with degrees from Harvard Law School, Oxford University and Wellesley College. Benson also is just 36 years old - the youngest woman ever to head any law school. Lessenberry also mentions Sandra Hughes O'Brien, who was elected to the Wayne State University Board of Governors two years ago, getting more votes than any other candidate that year. She is an estate planning attorney and is very active in mentoring college-age Hispanic students, especially women.

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