Lecturer Lessenberry reports about the 2011 successes of Wayne State Football...

Michigan Radio

"Wayne State football: Go Warriors!"

by Jack Lessenberry

Jack Lessenberry, Wayne State University journalism lecturer, talked about the Warriors amazing season which drove excitement throughout the university community and region despite the fact that the team competes at the Division II level and is surrounded by Division I competitors such as the University of Michigan and Michigan State University. Lessenberry wrote: "Unfortunately, these were the Division Two playoffs, and in college football, separate is most definitely not equal. You don't get on television, not unless you make the very final playoff game. Players don't get their faces on magazine covers, offers of endorsements and scouts begging you to drop out and turn pro." He points out that this year WSU did get on television as the team fought strong and hard. Wayne State's athletic director, Rob Fournier, told Crain's Detroit Business that he hoped the football team inspired alumni and other fans to donate money -- to things like the law school or the physics department. "Football isn't going to run the campus. Academics are," Fournier said.


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