Dept. of Communication's Jack Lessenberry comments on Dem-v-GOP poll trends in MI...

Wall Street Journal

"Tough challenge for GOP in Michigan"

by Matthew Dolan

Republicans have put Michigan on their list of states they hope to carry in this year's races for the White House and a Senate majority. But there are signs that Michigan will be a tough challenge for the GOP. A poll released this week found President Barack Obama ahead of GOP presumptive nominee Mitt Romney 53 percent to 39 percent. Democratic U.S. Senator Debbie Stabenow garners a similar level of approval, beating former Republican congressman Pete Hoekstra in some recent polls by double-digit margins. "Michigan has quietly disappeared" as a state for potential Republican gains in the Senate, said Jack Lessenberry, a political commentator and professor at Wayne State University. "Hoekstra has yet to win over voters and (Clark) Durant hasn't made much headway yet."

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