Film senior Hailey O'Brien becomes Wayne State's next winner of natl. screenwriting fellowship...

Variety, Broadway

The Writers Guild of America East Foundation named Hailey O'Brien, a senior at Wayne State University studying film and psychology, to receive its Michael Collyer Memorial Fellowship in Screenwriting. O'Brien's fellowship project, "Losing Grace," is about one woman's struggle and search for penance after an accidental drowning of a young neighbor while in her care. Wayne State is among eight universities and colleges across the country that participated in this year's Collyer Fellowship nominating process.

View a photo from the Feb. 19, 2012 awards event in New York. There also is a video clip on YouTube; to zoom right to the Collyer Fellowship portion, fast-forward to 5:25.

This marks the second time a Wayne State student won the Michael Collyer Memorial Fellowship. The award was won at Wayne State by Antal Zambo in 2009-10.

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