Documentary by film major Patrick Simpson screened at Mitten Movie Project...

Royal Oak Patch, 1/8

Which short in the January 2013 Mitten Movie Project lineup will be named "Best Short Film" tonight? Connie Mangilin turns her passion for and about independent filmmaking into the Mitten Movie Project, a monthly event in Royal Oak. Mangilin, the project curator and Detroit filmmaker, selects 12-18 shorts representing a wide variety of genres to be shown the first Tuesday of each month at the Main Art Theatre. In 2011, with a grant from the Bob Allison (Allesee) Endowed Chair in Media, Wayne State University's Department of Communication was able to host Academy Award-winning film editor Richard Chew ("Star Wars," "One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest") as a guest professor. Chew had a specific vision for his class -- to have students create several short documentaries that would challenge the negative image often associated with the City of Detroit. "Corktown Pheasants," by Wayne State film major Patrick Simpson, is one of those documentaries.

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