Communication presents Filmmaker Frederick Wiseman 1/22...

The Wayne State Department of Communication, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts, and Friends of the Detroit Film Theatre cordially invite you to an evening with

Award-winning Filmmaker, Documentarian and Theatrical Director

Detroit Institute of Arts, 5200 Woodward, Detroit
Thursday, January 22, 2015
7:00 p.m. Detroit Premiere of Mr. Wiseman's film National Gallery in the Detroit Film Theatre

Self-parking is available for $7 in the lot on John R street, directly across from the theatre entrance.

Mr. Wiseman will appear on-stage at 7pm for a Q&A with Elliot Wilhelm, curator of film at the DIA, prior to the DFT premiere of National Gallery. The link to tickets for the film can be found here on the DIA-DFT website.

Mr. Wiseman's presentation is made possible by the Bob Allison (Allesee) Endowed Chair in Media at Wayne State University's Department of Communication, College of Fine, Performing and Communication Arts.

Mr. Wiseman also is a guest presenter in the WSU course COM 6310 Allesee Lectures in Media with course instructor Elliot Wilhelm, curator of film at the DIA.

[Photo by John Ewing]

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